
Friday, November 11th 2022

Cecina de Yecapixtla: International Cecina Fair in Pictures

Written by

Rafael Bracho

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International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Cecina de Yecapixtla: International Cecina Fair in Pictures

Cecina de Yecapixtla – Introduction: 

Near the city of Cuautla, lies a pueblo called Yecapitxla where they are famous for their cecina. If you’ve never had cecina de Yecapixtla, then you have to visit this pueblo. 

In Spanish, the term “cecina” refers to a thin slice of meat that has been cured through being salted and exposed to the air, sun, or smoke. It comes from the Vulgar Latin siccina meaning dry meat—which itself comes from the Latin word for dry: siccus

Cecina in Spain is generally made from pork, however, it can also be made from beef, horse—or even goat, rabbit, and hare. In Mexico, cecina refers to thin slices of salted beef that has been cured by air, or for a marinated version of pork cecina which is called cecina enchilada.

Cecina de Yecapixtla – About Yecapixtla: 

Located in the northeastern corner of the small state of Morelos lies the sleepy town of Yecapixtla. It literally means in the Nahuatl language “The land of men and women with sharp noses.” This quaint village boasts a nice monastery—one of many at the slopes of the volcano Popocatepetl

Yecapixtla is known for its cecina. Two weeks ago, when I was researching an article on San Cristóbal de las Casas, I was surprised to find a sign out front saying, “We have cecina from Yecapixtla!” 546 miles away the cecina of Yecapixtla was being hailed. If you look up the Wikipedia page on Cecina, there is only one small paragraph on cecina in Mexico, and yet this paragraph manages to mention Yecapixtla. 

And for two weeks out of the year, the small streets of this little village are bustling with life as they host The International Cecina Fair of Yecapixtla. People come from all around Central Mexico to get a taste of the cecina de Yecapixtla fresh from the source. Naturally, the town takes advantage of this tourism to put on events such as live music and dance, and just about everyone gets in the spirit before it returns to its inevitable slumber.

Cecina de Yecapixtla – International Cecina Fair in Pictures:

Expat Insurance decided to visit the International Cecina Fair in Yecapixtla to find out: What makes the cecina de Yecapixtla so good? The following is a visual exploration of the cecina de Yecapixtla.

As we head into the town of Yecapixtla, you can feel Morelos’ vaquero culture. This is a town that is rural and proud of it.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

We follow a pack of horses to get into Yecapixtla.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The town is lovely and the people are friendly and accommodating.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Not everyone is taking a car to the International Cecina Fair in Yecapixtla!

The quiant pueblo of Yecapixtla exudes charm. The weather is perfect in late October when the International Cecina Fair de Yecapixtla is held.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

They have a lovely little zocalo.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Livestock is parked with cars before entering the fair.

The village of Yecapixtla puts on its best for this fair, desplaying a form of traditional dance from Morelos.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

People travel from all around to view the festivities.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Traditional Morelos dancing.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The local school practiced all year for this presentation.

We head into the market, before finding the cecina de Yecapixtla stalls. We just had to follow the smoke and delicious smell.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Heading through the pueblo to the market.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

They sell a lot more than cecina de Yecapixtla! Sweets and treats are abundant.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

It gets smoky in the fair from the grilled cecina de Yecapixtla.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Music is being played will stands grill their best cecina de Yecapixtla.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

A delicious establishment offers free samples to the guest. Their salsas are to die for!

The vendors have massive stacks of the freshest cecina de Yecapixtla. Choosing which vendor has the best taco becomes impossible.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Longaniza (which is another specialty of Yecapixtla) is equally showcased.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Stacks of cecina de Yecapixtla are everywhere!

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

A chef slices cecina de Yecapixtla, ready for grilling.

We sit down with the loveliest people as someone’s birthday rings out. This fellow in front and I join in the song. The cecina de Yecapixtla is grilled in front of us.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The people are so incredibly welcoming! Though we stuck out, everyone was friendly.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The delicious cecina de Yecapixtla is grilled right before your eyes.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

A parilla is filled with cecina de Yecapixtla, ready for tacos.

No cecina de Yecapixtla taco is complete without the salsa. It is absolutely delicious!

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The taco as handed by the establishment on a blue maiz tortilla.

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

No taco is complete without the toppings!

Cecina de Yecapixtla also comes in a type of spicy marinade. It is their special recipe. This cecina de Yecapixtla is known as “Cecina Enchilada”. It is incredibly divine!

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

Cecina Enchilada de Yecapixtla in its adobo (or marinade).

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

International Cecina Fair in Yecapitxla

The finished product. A delicious cecina enchilada de Yecapixtla taco! Sensational!

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