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Thursday, August 15th 2019

Bus Routes in San Miguel de Allende

In this article, you’ll learn the bus routes in San Miguel de Allende. Also learn how much buses cost, how to get a discount, what major destinations and neighborhoods are on each route, where to find a comprehensive bus map online, and what to expect when you are on the bus in Mexico. Click here to learn more!

Sunday, August 11th 2019

Canadian Provincial Healthcare: Ontario Is Cutting Out-of-Country Medical Insurance

In this article, you will learn the basics of Canadian provincial healthcare, why Ontario is cutting their out-of-country medical coverage, who will be affected by these changes, the objections to Ontario is cutting their provincial plan, and the defenses to those objections. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, August 7th 2019

Social Security: US Expats with Foreign Spouses

In this article, you’ll learn about US expats with foreign spouses who are entitled to claim Social Security. Learn about totalization agreements, which requirements for eligibility to receive social security benefits, and if widows retain their right to their spouse’s benefits. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, August 7th 2019

How to Dial in Mexico

Because of recent changes to the phone system in Mexico, WeExpats decided to write an article on how to dial in Mexico. In this article, you will learn the new way to call from a landline to a cellphone, from a cellphone to a landline, and from a foreign country to Mexico. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, July 31st 2019

History of Piñata: Where Does the Piñata Come From?

If you have ever wondered to yourself where does the piñata come from, then you might be interested in discovering that the history of piñata is quite diverse and surprisingly complex. The piñata’s history stretches all over the world. Click here to learn more about this unique Mexican birthday tradition!

Wednesday, July 24th 2019

Mexican Historical Figures: Maximilian I

Was Maximilian I a terrible despot or a progressive leader? Learn about the controversy surrounding one of the most prominent Mexican historical figures. Learn about how he was executed for refusing to shave his beard, how they made Chapultepec Castle, and how his wife Carlota went insane. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, July 24th 2019

Quinceañera History and Practice

In this article, you will learn about quinceañera history. Discover the rich foundation of the quinceañera, and the roots of several of these fantastic traditions. Also, learn about quinceañera practice in Mexico and the United States today. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, July 10th 2019

Public Healthcare in Mexico

In this article, you will learn about public healthcare in Mexico. Learn about Mexican public healthcare programs like the IMSS in Mexico, Seguro Popular in Mexico, inexpensive local pharmacy health clinics, and how quality their care is. Also, learn about private care in Mexico. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, July 10th 2019

Why Do Mexicans Light Fireworks All Day Long?

In this article, you will find out why do Mexicans light fireworks all day long. Discover, what days they celebrate, what types of fireworks they use, where the origins of this practice came from, and what objections there are to the lighting of Mexican fireworks. Click here to learn more!

Tuesday, July 9th 2019

United States Applies Tariffs to Mexican Steel

In this article, you’ll learn about new tariffs placed on the steel industry in Mexico. Discover why the United States is placing them, and what the Mexican government is doing to prevent further tariffs on fabricated steel in Mexico. This comes on the day the Mexican Finance Minister resigns. Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, July 3rd 2019

The Best Places in Mexico To Do Stuff

In this article, you will learn why the best places in Mexico aren’t found in a top-ten article on the internet. This article will only offer you a glimpse into the rich variety of Mexican food, music, culture, lifestyle, and partying! Discover the eclectic nature of Mexico for yourself! Click here to learn more.

Wednesday, July 3rd 2019

TIP in Mexico: How to get a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit in Mexico

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to get your Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit in Mexico. Learn what paperwork you will need and how much it will cost for your TIP in Mexico. Also, learn what restrictions you will have and where you can cancel your Temporary Import Permit. Click here to learn more!

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